This episode we’re joined by two of our friends from the Star Wars podcasting world, Charles and Pat – the hosts of “ConverSWations.” They’re hilarious, insightful, thoughtful, and true geeks just like ourselves! And since they so graciously had us on their show, we absolutely had to have them on ours (plus, they’re just plain fun and delightful, and we adore them!). Our topics of choice for the episode? The Obi-Wan Kenobi series, of course! Charles and Pat give us their full run down on what they thought of the show as a whole, particularly the finale and how it impacted them. We transition into thoughts and predictions for the upcoming Andor series, and…as always…share PLENTY of laughs, jokes, and even some well-done impressions. We love these guys and thank them for joining us (though we hope it won’t be the last time). Please check our their podcast, ConverSWations, on your favorite podcast player, and be sure to follow their social medias via their link tree at:
Episode 68: A “ConverSWation” about Kenobi and Andor with our friends from the ConverSWations Podcast!Most Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:41:39-06:00