Episode 30: How Would the Star Wars Universe (and Anakin’s life) be Different if Qui-Gon had Lived?Most Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:42-06:00
Episode 28: Obi-Wan Kenobi Stabs Someone with a Fork While Working Undercover as Rako HardeenMost Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:42-06:00
Episode 22: Deconstructing Obi-Wan’s Costume throughout the FilmsMost Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:43-06:00
Episode 14: Should Obi-Wan Have Killed Anakin on Mustafar?Most Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:58-06:00
Episode 6: The Joy of Lightsabers – SaberForge Replicas, Collecting, Colors, and More!Most Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:58-06:00
Episode 5: Luke Skywalker Greatness – Discussing the Season 2 Finale of The MandalorianMost Things Kenobi2025-01-24T11:42:59-06:00